Danica Patrick and Paul Hospenthal file for divorce after 7 years of marriage.
Danica Patrick, the beloved NASCAR driver and godaddy.com mascot, has filed for a divorce.
The official announcement was made through Facebook in Novemeber where she said, “I am sad to inform my fans that after 7 years, Paul and I have decided to amicably end our marriage, this isn’t easy for either of us, but mutually it has come to this. He has been an important person and friend in my life and that’s how we will remain moving forward.”
The 30 year-old driver claims that the divorce has nothing to do with her withdrawal from the upcoming Indy 500 and says she is simply trying to focus her attention on the entire season as a whole.
The couple do not have any kids together and according to documents they signed prenuptial agreements before their marriage. Looking in from the outside, this is great news for the $18 Million in worth NASCAR driving Patrick.
If you are going through a divorce or are looking into preparing a prenuptial agreement, contact a San Diego divorce lawyer Tara Yelman who has the right experience to help you with your legal needs.